
The word Lucid as defined in the late 1500’s is as follows: Bright, Shining, Clear. From the root Leuk; to shine, easy to understand.

A period of calm or temporary sanity.

To live lucidly is to become sane. It is to end the era of blind reactive living by becoming what we all must eventually become, lucid. In this new perspective we gain the understanding that all existence is a vehicle. It is in this new understanding that we comprehend the nature and controls of this vehicle. It is through this new comprehension that we begin to consciously propel ourselves through experiences with a new appreciation and understanding of who and what we are.

The art of lucid dreaming has been a tool of self exploration for thousands of years. It allows the birth of a new awareness, and profound self reflection that deepens ones sense of understanding of self. It is an unparalleled tool.

What is not yet widely accepted by the collective human consciousness is that what we refer to as “reality” is in fact an extremely dense lucid dream of which we are not only all apart of, but which is perpetuated by our own beliefs. This “dream” is designed to bring about unprecedented leaps in understanding in Source consciousness. We are all the stuff of dreams…

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Chapter 6: The Experience of Resistance

Chapter 6: The Experience of Resistance
The definition word Experience  from the late 14th century is as follows:” Observation as the source of knowledge; actual observation; An event which has affected one. Experiment, proof. Knowledge gained by repeated trials. To try, test.
When we as Humans, individual reflections of source undergo the process of experience we are setting out on the journey of self knowledge. Like all journeys it leads us back to where we started. The function of a journey is self discovery. Self discovery is achieved through experience. Where we are journeying to is entirely beside the point. All roads in this Universe lead back to one place, the only place that truly exists which is Source. When we speak of “experience”we are actually speaking of a level of resistance to what is, which is Source. Source is everything. In order to experience anything other than that truth we must produce resistance to that truth. Resistance is a slowing of vibration, a narrowing of the channels of energy flow like a Damn in a river. This allows us to inspect the individual flora and fauna, the flotsam and jetsam that make up the river. In this analogy the river is Source and the things that compose the ecosystem of the river( flotsam and jetsam) are the fractals of Source. When we Damn up the energy and restrict its flow we can appreciate what composes it. 
Resistances are felt on an individual level, but they are also felt collectively. Species experience collective resistance to concepts.  Races of species have resistance. These Collective consciousnesses are collective experiences. We are all separate experiences of source within larger separate experiences of Source. Our entire experience is a degree of resistance. Resistance is the mode by which source experiences itself. Resistance is not a “bad” thing. It is a concern only in terms of reassessing the degree to which you desire to experience resistance. When a belief you are holding no longer services your preferred experience,  it is up to you to identify it in order to shift your degree of resistance to a degree which feels appropriate to you and your higher purpose. Everything thing you perceive contextually  is perceived by resistance. We are not having a contextual experience in order to make ourselves whole. We are not here to fix what is broken. We are not here to strive for perfection.These are all things that will happen regardless, because wholeness, perfection, are what we really are We are here to experience with depth and meaning. We put ourselves to sleep in order to wake ourselves up. No being in the universe is more or less valid than another. Differences in Humans, differences in species, differences in experience, difference in vibrations are just a means by which to experience and should not be solely identified with. We get caught up in context and in labels. We spend time investing in racial distinctions sexual proclivities and miss the point entirely. We are markers for each other, we are reflections of aspects of our higher selves, we are essentially talking to ourselves. Any Identification with separation in excess will lead to more polarization, more resistance. All “things”are in the act of traveling back to Source regardless of whether they know it or not. We are in a time as Humans where we are manifesting such polarization we are threatening our very existence in order to understand one thing. We are all one.
Contrast is one of the greatest forces of expansion we have at our disposal. Contrast is not a “problem” it is a demonstrative tool by which we gain understanding. The issue with contrast likes anything that springs from a separate sense of self is that it can become self destructive if used in excess. If we allow ourselves to become immersed in the contrast, if we allow ourselves to solely identify with the contrast then we become cut off from our larger perspective. We cut our selves off from the solutions to our challenges. We create an inflated sense of separation which can only give birth to more separation. Like computers serve their purpose, contrast, Ego, resistance serves its purpose, but if not checked by a certain level of higher, broader consciousness, they become a force of destruction and ultimately Annihilation. Is there really any such thing as Annihilation? No, not really, it’s just an experience. A better question would be: Do you prefer to experience Annihilation? Now, some of the greatest strives towards peace and unity in this world have been made via a Co created experience of pain and suffering so there is a plus to every minus, but do we want to continue to define ourselves by our ability to self inflict pain in order understand concepts of love and unity? Is that who we really desire to be? Are we so attached to our ability to do it the” hard way “that we are willing to risk extinction? Every time you dislodge resistance from your individual stream which is Source you dislodge that stone not only for yourself, but for everyone in the collective. Your triumphs are everyone else’s triumphs and vice versa. We are in this together whether we recognize it or not.
Collective resistances are beliefs like individual beliefs which a group holds. An example of this in Humanity is collectively holding the belief that we are separate. There might be levels of intensity of this experience with in the group, some may feel more separate than others, but we all feel it to some extent. We are all experiencing it and manifesting it in some form in our daily experience.There is a collective desire to shift from this modality to one of unity, hence the intense influx of spiritual and self help resources being produced. When the energy flow into that preference by the whole reaches critical mass it will become a widespread all encompassing reality instead of a spotty dream which manifests periodically in acts of selflessness and charity. It will become the norm. We as a species will arrive at a point in awareness where we will not be having this conversation anymore because unity and symbiotic perspective will be taken for granted. In order for that to happen more smoothly with less muss , It would be beneficial for us to ease our resistance to the inner shift that is taking place. In childbirth, the absolute worst thing (in terms of having a complication free delivery) would be to “defend “yourself against the contractions. A common thing that happens with women during childbirth is instead of trusting their body’s and the process they try to brace themselves against the rushes of contractions. This produces tension and inhibits the muscle’s ability to release and stretch to accommodate the child. When you defend yourself you are operating contrary to the purpose of the experience. Defense springs from the misconception that there is something other than you. When you know who you are and what you prefer defense is not necessary. Instead of worrying about all the things you afraid will happen that you don’t want you should focus on what you do want. Those other undesired things will not be an issue  unless you make them an issue through your focus on them. Remember thoughts are a vehicle for energy and if you are concerned with something long enough you will create it out of your concern for it.  When you marry someone, you are not concerned with all the other people you could’ve married showing up and taking your spouse’s place. You’ve made your choice.

Taking the perspective of unity as your primary perspective allows you to more easily release resistance in the aspects in yourself that perceive separation. We must relax against our resistance. We must allow our pain to make us less defensive not more. We must allow it to open our hearts instead of make them more rigid. There will continue to be pain in the world. There will continue to be experiences of loss and suffering if we continue to allow ourselves to be controlled by our fear of such things. You overcome your fear of loss by allowing your heart to be open to your timeless formless aspect, which allows you to know that nothing and no one is ever lost. That you are not this body or this race or this species and neither is any one you love, that there is nothing that can be lost. I’m not saying that when a Mother‘s child dies that it will not be the most painful thing a human can experience.  I’m saying that the experience will not go on to be a greater source of pain for her and the world because she chooses to become harder for it. We cannot allow our need to” handle” our pain make us rigid. We cannot allow it to close our heart. The most heinous things that have been done in this world have been done in the name of retribution. These acts of cruelty do nothing to heal the pain. They do nothing to close the gap between us and the ones we have lost. It does nothing but perpetuate  the pain. Let your pain make you more kind. Let it make you more appreciative, let it allow you to love more wholly. Our painful experiences will never be a cause for celebration, but our ability to walk away from them with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper connection to the love that binds us all is. This shifting out of unconscious co-creation and dualistic perspective will give rise to less and less experiences of tragedy and loss because those ideas will become less and less real to us.
The more we dislodge the rocks in our stream of consciousness, the more swiftly we will flow to where we would like to be as a people. As we do so, we poke holes in the damn for all of humanity. The more we love the more humanity loves. The more we are patient, the more humanity is patient. The more we forgive, the more humanity forgives. When we forgive others we do not let them off the hook. They cannot be let off the hook by someone else. A person who hurts another is a person who hurts himself. No one “gets away “with anything in this life. All the pain you inflict you are inflicting on yourself. No one enjoys pain. All of the sociopathic people of the world are not kicking back having fun. They are writhing in agony inside of themselves. When they die they will release all their resistance just like you. The will rejoin source just like you. I know some people will have resistance to that statement and that’s okay. There is no punishment at the time of death save for the punishment you believe is there for you. Ultimately all releases back to source, ultimately all is whole again. When I was nine I came down with a really intense case of Rose Fever. I was unconscious on and off for about a week. I spent most of that time out of body. I was experiencing what some people call near death.  Early on in the experience upon partially releasing myself to source, I experienced everything that I did without the illusion of separation. In short I experienced my experiences as if I was the person on the other end of my actions. I tell you, I was only nine years old and on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being  the perfect depiction of love incarnate and 10 being  a volatile sociopath I must’ve been like a 2.  I hadn’t done anything that negative in my life, but the little bit I did do was so upsetting that I shudder to think what it would have felt like had I been a sociopath. That is the nature of death and rebirth. We must surrender ourselves back to source before we head out again. In that surrender this illusion of separation comes crumbling down and we must download all we’ve experienced. We become everyone we hurt everyone we loved. No one gets away with anything that would defeat the purpose of the experience. We realize we were hurting ourselves. There is no punishment, there is no hell unless you put yourself through one. There is no one to answer to but yourself.
Now that we’ve covered Hell it’s only fitting we discuss Heaven. Heaven is something we create for ourselves. Just like hell. Heaven is a lessened degree of resistance to what is, which is Source. When we are flowing with Source, when we choose to go in direction of less resistance like a stream we will flow with ease. We don’t experience the stagnation of resistance. That experience can be called Heavenly. The release to Source is the ultimate. All the love in the Universe is there and there is nothing like the experience of going from context to Source, Nothing that I’ve experienced.