
The word Lucid as defined in the late 1500’s is as follows: Bright, Shining, Clear. From the root Leuk; to shine, easy to understand.

A period of calm or temporary sanity.

To live lucidly is to become sane. It is to end the era of blind reactive living by becoming what we all must eventually become, lucid. In this new perspective we gain the understanding that all existence is a vehicle. It is in this new understanding that we comprehend the nature and controls of this vehicle. It is through this new comprehension that we begin to consciously propel ourselves through experiences with a new appreciation and understanding of who and what we are.

The art of lucid dreaming has been a tool of self exploration for thousands of years. It allows the birth of a new awareness, and profound self reflection that deepens ones sense of understanding of self. It is an unparalleled tool.

What is not yet widely accepted by the collective human consciousness is that what we refer to as “reality” is in fact an extremely dense lucid dream of which we are not only all apart of, but which is perpetuated by our own beliefs. This “dream” is designed to bring about unprecedented leaps in understanding in Source consciousness. We are all the stuff of dreams…

Monday, June 9, 2014

Chapter 2: The Law Of Co-Creation

Chapter 2: The Law Of Co-Creation

In the Universe there is only one “goal” if you would like to call it that, function would probably be a better word. This function is expansion. Not expansion in the traditional sense that act of growing larger, but expansion in terms of awareness which may or may not give rise to more “stuff”. Source consciousness would like to know itself in every way that it can dream up. Since anything is possible ,the ways in which it can express this desire are countless. The act of splitting into various points of perception is merely a vehicle for diverse experience. Diversity is simply unity trying to see itself from different” angles”. Separation is not a description of source “falling from grace”. It is the means by which Source knows itself experientialy. Since the amount of experiences source can have are unlimited so are the amount of separate identities source can create for itself. In such a vicarious and sometimes precarious depiction of the universe how does one maneuver? It is very important to understand who you are as an extension of source. Your identity is vehicle through which source can experience everything and anything it can conceive of. We must first understand what we are.

(1) You are Source Consciousness

(2) You are an individual expression of Source who’s objective is to create and perpetuate storylines through which source can experience who and what it is.

(3) You are a symbol for other aspects of Source(people, animals ect..). You are a catalyst propelling other aspects of source through their individual perspective via their perception of you.

The first point: You are Source we have already gone over, I will go in to how to access this aspect of you experience in later chapters. The second point: You are a point of reference for Source. This identity that you are creating is a mode of transportation, not so much through successive life times as much as through depth of understanding . The life you are living, your job , your friends, the gene pool from which you sprang is the product of sources desire to understand specific aspects of itself.

These various aspects are initially abstract frequencies. This whole journey springs from a desire to experience and understand different frequencies via isolated experiences. The desire to locate and
experience different frequencies gives rise to an assortment of contextual options through which the
frequency can be optimally experienced and explored. This of course is an overly simplified description because this process is going on continually in one’s own consciousness as well, simultaneously. I describe it this way to give the essence of the underlying nature of all things. A simple example of this process is an aspect of my experience.

I came into this fractal identity “Pilar” with unity consciousness. I came in at a time in Human History when race and sex still are judged and are decided to be the reason for much pain and turmoil. I came into a family that is very diverse in terms of race but who primarily identifies itself as “Black”. I also chose to be a woman.

Because I came into being with the knowledge and understanding that we are all the same thing that everything is the same thing I am allowed to experience feelings of alienation, separateness, inferiority without identifying with them entirely. This kind of contrast allows for maximum expansion because I am allowing my Human experiences to inform and expand my understanding and awareness without getting caught in identifying with the context in which I find myself. In Source there is no Black or White, male or female. There just is. Experiences of separation and difference are mere fantasies. Since my awareness is almost the complete opposite of the present dynamic it allows for an accelerated rate of expansion from my perspective.

Along with the individual lives we have chosen to come into context with there is also our ability to give rise to situations through Thought – Belief. I say Thought- Belief because thought is not enough to manifest something into you reality. Thought is a vehicle through which energy is transferred from your consciousness to an “idea”. The only reason most New Age resources say that thoughts create reality is because if someone thinks about something enough they usually start to believe it . Thought energizes an idea but without an adequate amount of energy the thought will not give rise to a 3 dimensional manifestation.

So in truth thought is a charge. This energy is produced via concentration on a subject. For example, if I would like to go to Paris I would first think as viscerally as I can of Paris. Depending on how intensely I can envision it, and how much resistance I had to the Idea of going is how fast I can materialize a trip. As soon I could allow myself to energize the belief while at the same time dislodging any resistant counterproductive beliefs I could manifest it into my reality. It takes a level of belief with little or no resistance to manifest anything. That is why people always continue to manifest what they find “believable” even if it is not what they prefer. What you are used to is completely subjective and has everything to do with how you identify yourself(as an individual with no connection to others, or an aspect of source of which we are all apart) and what you take away from you life experiences with that identity.

Human beings spend countless hours a day unconsciously re enforcing and re-energizing pre-existing beliefs. Most of these beliefs were adopted and assumed during encounters with family members in early childhood. More often than not these beliefs run contrary to one’s own sense of well being but like genetics these beliefs often go unchallenged by an individual’s consciousness. It does occasionally happen that an individual gets so tired and fed up with their current perspective that they are willing to come out of the confines of their own beliefs. In order to change these pre existing beliefs you would first have to begin pulling the energy of your concentration out of them. Then, you would have to refocus your energy elsewhere.

As energetic beings the ability to harness and manifest our intentions wholly depends on our ability to consciously focus our energy. We must learn our nature, the nature of energy. The rerouting of one’s owns beliefs can feel very daunting to some much like trying to redirect an ocean liner at the last minute. It is actually much simpler than that though, once you understand the nature of reality. Reality is basically what is real to you so if what is real to you no longer suits you you must first envision what you would prefer instead. When you do that you will likely come up against contrary resistant thoughts. These thoughts are likely the product of past experiences.

 Let’s say your Mother was always struggling with money. She was always worrying about it and there never seemed to be enough. You may have walked away with the belief that there isn’t enough money for you. Or, in order to have enough money you must be very privileged or “special”. If you locate the birth of this belief you are currently holding you can then go about releasing it in favor of something more conducive to your present needs. You can then refocus your energy by choosing to identify with the new belief. Replacing one reality with another is nothing more than surrendering your present belief in favor of a newer more desired one.

A belief is nothing more than a description of a critical mass of energy. Thought’s can very successfully be herded towards your intention through tools like Visualization and Affirmation.

Visualization is the act of using the mind’s eye to envision a desired reality in order to direct energy toward it. The use of Visualization is only as good as you allow yourself to “believe” it or allow energy to flow through it. After all a belief as I said is a critical mass of energy. You can use the word Believe two ways . One way is as a verb which is the act of investing energy into something. It also is a noun which is an accomplished set of ideas that you identify as your Identity. Such as:” I believe I am fat” or “kind “ etc...

So in order to believe something you must first put belief in it. In order for visualization to work you must work with Visualizations that seem viable to you. The reason why Visualization fails to work for a lot of people is because they start off with concepts that feel too fantastical to them. What you are doing when you do this is reinforcing your resistance to the desired outcome. A good rule of thumb is if it feels viable, if it seems realistic and you feel good in relation to it then you will have adequate energy flow. If what you desire is not a believable reality to you, you can start with “stair step” visualizations which are visualizations which feel closer to your goal but maybe not so far away from your present reality.

For example; You want to go to Paris but you have a lot of resistant beliefs with regard to that desire. Such as: “I have no money” “I’m fearful of going to foreign places” You could Imagine yourself going to places you’ve never been before that are more local. You visualize having everything you need to go. Imagine that abundance in any way that feels good to you, waterfalls, bowls of fruit, whatever gets you there. It doesn’t necessarily have to be in the form of money. Your feelings will dictate whether what you are visualizing is believable to you. When you’ve improved your vibration with regards to abundance and self sufficiency, visualizing a trip to Paris will not feel farfetched because you would have cleared the mental obstructions. Visualization works best when it is as “real” as you can make it. Realness is in the details, so when you are visualizing anything be as specific as possible.

How does Paris smell? What time of year is it? What are you wearing? If it feels good to envision getting on a plane in the airport and flying, then do it. If it feels better to just be there with no reference to how are why,
then go with it. There is no “right” or “wrong”. It is all in how it feels.

Stay with your feeling and never force something that feels unnatural. The same rules apply to Affirmation. An Affirmation is a conscious statement you are making to yourself. Such as: “I am Kind.” Or “I deserve love”. If you are someone who holds a vibration of lack of self approval and you try to affirm to yourself that you are beautiful you will be met with resistance. You must be able to believe it. You can gradually work your way to” I am a attractive “by first wrapping your mind around “I have nice Eyes” “Or I am very kind”.

We will now talk about this experience we call life. We are not only experiences, we are experienced by other people (fractal identities). Everything in your reality is an aspect of you. It is an aspect of the frequencies you are currently holding. The nature of our reality is symbolic. We interact with other contextual concepts to gain experiential understanding. In this reality other people show up in our realities as reflections of the beliefs we are holding. What they are representing to us is dictated by how we feel with regards to them. It is by no means a representation of the totality of that person. It is just an aspect of them is compatible to an aspect of you. It is always this way because the only real law in the Universe is the Law of Like Frequencies. Or more popularly known as the law of Attraction. A frequency is a thought pattern. People have various frequencies depending on the focal point of their attention. I may have a very “high” or positive frequency with regards to child bearing but maybe I have a “ lower” frequency with regard to child rearing. When two people are Co-Creating a situation they are using each other as mirrors of the frequency they are currently holding so they can more accurately “see” the vibration that they are individually holding with regards to the topic they are experiencing. This how we can make necessary adjustments to our beliefs and that is the function of interactions. The simplicity of this function can get easily muddied by one’s own sense of Ego.

I will go into Ego and its functions at length later but I will say that there is an unhealthy practice going on with regards to this function and it is attributed to Ego. I will give an example of the interaction rather than explain it:

Person(a) is a person who holds the belief that they are misunderstood. They have chosen to cope with this belief by becoming angry and frustrated with those who they believe are misunderstanding them.

Person(b) also holds the belief that they are misunderstood but instead of coping with it with anger they choose to express this by seeing themselves as a victim. They actively feel sorry for themselves and seek pity from others. These two people meet and co create a situation in which person (a) grows more and more angry. Person (b) grows more and more mournful and victimized.

Person (a) decides to use the law of attraction at this point but incorrectly with their Ego. They state that the person (b) is also secretly angry otherwise they could not have co-created this situation together. This also leads to accusation, denials and a perpetuation of the situation they wish to dissolve. This is a common misconception when working with mirrors.

What these two people are sharing is a Co-Created event in which they are mirroring their own sense of isolation back to each other. Here we would want to find the core belief we are perceiving in the other person because that is our mirror. It would serve person (a) better to identify the core belief that is perpetuating the situation in order to up root the belief. This is about detached observation, not judgment. Discernment through observation is ultimately what will give way to transformation. In life we are experiencing that which we are being / believing in order to know what we would rather be/ believe. These interactions are not cosmic statement‘s about who you are. It is not even the totality of your vibration. It is just a reflection of your set of beliefs with regards to a specific topic. Working yourself out of identifying with your Ego will allow you to look at these situations as opportunities for growth via self reflection without judgment. I will explain more about this later.

The important thing to remember is: your world is for you and their world is for them. Do not fall into the Egoic practice of trying to control other people or things. These opportunities are not for you to dictate or impose your beliefs or observances on others. Only they know what they feel and how their experience services them.

The most powerful thing about the law of Co-Creation is that it highlights the power of self acceptance. Unconditional acceptance of all parts of yourself and your experience turns life in to a wondrous journey. It transforms all situations into opportunities for growth. Life is no longer about avoidance and blame. Perfection and symmetry become norm because you will understand that all of it is perfect, because it is all for you. In this way of observing, life becomes your private movie. You will take away from it all you need to create a world in which your dreams are fulfilled. In terms of Co- Creation it is not necessary to control our surroundings. We understand that our neighborhoods and the world around them is a physical manifestation of the totality of our beliefs.