
The word Lucid as defined in the late 1500’s is as follows: Bright, Shining, Clear. From the root Leuk; to shine, easy to understand.

A period of calm or temporary sanity.

To live lucidly is to become sane. It is to end the era of blind reactive living by becoming what we all must eventually become, lucid. In this new perspective we gain the understanding that all existence is a vehicle. It is in this new understanding that we comprehend the nature and controls of this vehicle. It is through this new comprehension that we begin to consciously propel ourselves through experiences with a new appreciation and understanding of who and what we are.

The art of lucid dreaming has been a tool of self exploration for thousands of years. It allows the birth of a new awareness, and profound self reflection that deepens ones sense of understanding of self. It is an unparalleled tool.

What is not yet widely accepted by the collective human consciousness is that what we refer to as “reality” is in fact an extremely dense lucid dream of which we are not only all apart of, but which is perpetuated by our own beliefs. This “dream” is designed to bring about unprecedented leaps in understanding in Source consciousness. We are all the stuff of dreams…

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Chapter 7: Extra sensory perception

Chapter 7: Extra sensory perception

Intuition is just another word for Extra Sensory Perception. That is information pulled in by your non localized senses. People who identify themselves as spiritual are very preoccupied with cultivating these aspects of their experience. These abilities are commonly sought after because there is a belief that a person who possesses these talents is somehow more spiritually evolved than someone who does not. Now, everyone experiences a degree of extra sensory perception. Everyone gets funny feelings from an unknown source.

Everyone experiences inexplicable apprehension at times. Everyone has had Déjà vu. Everyone has been in the presence of someone who said exactly what we were thinking exactly when we were thinking it. These are common experiences and although they are frequently rationalized away as coincidence or imagination (which is also a extra sensory tool) they are extra sensory just the same.

What you perceive is contingent on your beliefs.Your initial beliefs are contingent on your soul’s objective. So when a person comes into this contextual reality with an extra sensory gift it is because their souls purpose in that life is aided by them experiencing things that way. Just like you choose the family that will contribute to the experience you are trying to experience. People with extra sensory gifts do not have a monopoly on enlightenment. They chose that context to achieve their objective just like people who do not identify themselves as spiritual chose that perspective. In truth we all are spiritual. Everything is spiritual.

It is common for people who are consciously on the spiritual path to become preoccupied with developing these gifts. This preoccupation becomes counterproductive because the attainment of these non local perceptions is not the objective of the experience you are having. However they may well turn out to be a pleasant side effect. They do not denote a level of awareness. They only signify a core belief that you hold with regards to that subject. For example if someone can see through a wall they may or may not understand that they are one with everything in their perception, but they are able to see through a wall because that person believes that they can. They have no resistance to that experience for whatever reason.

To become preoccupied with the attainment of these abilities overshadows the point of existence. A person is not more or less spiritual because they are able to do these things. As your beliefs shift your perception shifts and that is just a side effect of reincorporation back into yourself. Everything is spiritual, Everything. The most mundane of things is spiritual.

Not only are all aspects of everyday life spiritual but it is the “mundane ”,primary mode of experience which “teaches” everyone on this planet the most ,even people with extrasensory perception. This dense reality is the facilitator for this particular experience. Personal relationships are the greatest of teachers in this reality we are cohabiting. Through our personal experiences we truly see and experience who we are and what we are made of. The less resistant you are the more extra sensory experiences you will have because you will start releasing your beliefs of separation.

The less separate you feel, the less separate your experience will be and that is essential what extra sensory perception is . It is the absence of certain modes of separation. If you believe you are one with everything, it is now possible to know anything about anything or one you want to to the degree you believe or prefer to know it because you are no longer straining out those experiences. Resistance is basically a filter.

Those experiences will come, believe me, but that will not be the point. As anyone who is trying to lose weight can tell you , if you focus on losing weight and not on the beliefs that fuel your eating habits you will achieve no long term success. Only those who seek to change their perception with regard to food, to themselves and to their self worth, those who are concerned with being healthy and having a more loving relationship with food and themselves achieves lasting and meaningful success. Everyone is spiritual and everyone has their unique way of expressing and experiencing it. I have not met one person who I could not see the light of Source in their eyes.

Here are the most common forms of extra sensory perception, as you may start to experience these phenomena as you embark on your spiritual journey.

Telepathy: The ability to know other beings thoughts.

I say being because it is possible to experience this with animals , insects, plants etc...This is sporadically experienced by everyone in the form of mentioning something right after the other person thought of it. This usually happens with someone we feel close to such as with twins or family members. It can really happen with everyone and anyone depending on how close you feel. This perception is a product of the belief that you are joined or one with another person and know what they are feeling.

Clairvoyance: The ability to see non localized happenings, such as in another place or realm. 

You may experience visual flashes or mental pictures. They seem like they were downloaded into your head. These might be events that are taking place somewhere else. There are several types of abilities that are lumped under this heading such as the perception of events that have occurred in the past, or which will occur in the future (known as retro cognition and precognition respectively)

Clairaudience: The ability to “hear” non localized information, such as in communication with thought forms (energies and concepts that do not inhabit physical bodies.) 

I say “hear” because it is not so much audible hearing as the raw information of sound that is received without the help of your local ears. It is similar to when you “hear” a song in your head. The only difference is that it is non physical energy relaying information to you that may be relevant to but not received from your immediate surroundings.

Clairsentience: the ability to receive non localized information through feeling.

This is the commonly felt “gut feeling”. It also comes in the form of emotional empathy and physical empathy,when you can either feel a person’s emotions or their physical sensations.

Aura viewing: This is the ability to see or sense the electromagnetic field around people or objects.

Everything is energy. Three dimensional contextual things are energy first, this energy can expresses itself as a contextual thing. Even though it is contextual it is possible to perceive its energetic nature simultaneously. That is what an aura is. The ability to see one allows the perceiver to read information about the person/ object that it represents. It is like seeing a person in thought form and contextual 3 dimensional manifestation at the same time. It is the ability to perceive an added dimensional quality that is always present whether we perceive it or not.

These new awareness’s can be valuable in terms of gaining understanding about your experiences but they in and of themselves are meaningless unless the perceiver can do so. I’ve met some who have these abilities and while they are talented fortune tellers and psychic mediums they do not derive much meaning from their daily experiences and are in the dark as to why they are in unfulfilled relationships and professions.

Anything you perceive whether it be extra sensory or run of the mill should be viewed in the spirit of oneness. It all should be a catalyst for love and appreciation in your life. It should always bring you back to yourself and your connection with others. Once we become adept at understanding our more common encounters we can begin to appreciate our extra sensory ones.

Perception is a very personal experience. We are all directors of our own personal movies. Like directors we each have our own styles, our own visions. Francis Ford Copalla’s vision isn’t any less true than Tim Burtons. They are seeing life as it serves them (their soul’s objective) to do so.

Different types of experiences speak uniquely to different people. You will perceive things in the way that services you in that moment, and your perception is always shifting. Have confidence in the way you see things it was tailor made for you. Developing your extra sensory gifts can be an enriching experience, but developing your sense of self worth, and self love is the most important mission you will ever have. The most wondrous gift that a species can ever possess is the ability to love without condition and expectation.

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