
The word Lucid as defined in the late 1500’s is as follows: Bright, Shining, Clear. From the root Leuk; to shine, easy to understand.

A period of calm or temporary sanity.

To live lucidly is to become sane. It is to end the era of blind reactive living by becoming what we all must eventually become, lucid. In this new perspective we gain the understanding that all existence is a vehicle. It is in this new understanding that we comprehend the nature and controls of this vehicle. It is through this new comprehension that we begin to consciously propel ourselves through experiences with a new appreciation and understanding of who and what we are.

The art of lucid dreaming has been a tool of self exploration for thousands of years. It allows the birth of a new awareness, and profound self reflection that deepens ones sense of understanding of self. It is an unparalleled tool.

What is not yet widely accepted by the collective human consciousness is that what we refer to as “reality” is in fact an extremely dense lucid dream of which we are not only all apart of, but which is perpetuated by our own beliefs. This “dream” is designed to bring about unprecedented leaps in understanding in Source consciousness. We are all the stuff of dreams…

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Chapter 12: Re-Creating your personal Mythology

Chapter 12: Re-Creating your personal Mythology
You are the sum of your beliefs. You are the sum of your belief system.

That is who you are being right now. You are shaping your perception through your expectation and your expectations are the product of your beliefs. You cannot expect to get a different experience if you do not have different beliefs. You cannot expect what you do not already have inside yourself.

This life’s purpose is to experience what you already have.
By virtue of this eternal law it is impossible to get what you do not believe you have, it is impossible to receive what you do not expect to receive. Now, if you win the Lottery were you expecting to win? Yes.Unconsciously we believe lots of things about ourselves that we are not aware of. Half the fun of life is surprising yourself with what you don’t consciously know about yourself. You are a cosmic onion forever peeling back the layers of your being, revealing truths not consciously known to you about yourself.

Most are unaware of their true belief system, it reminds me of a bit of dialogue from the movie “The Never Ending story” : “kind people find that they are cruel, brave men discover that they are really cowards.Confronted with their true selves most men run away screaming ! “ People can also be pleasantly surprised to find that they are not as afraid or as morally bankrupt as they previously thought. As I said this realm is a mirror.

If you put on a pair of pants they may look good in your mind’s eye but through the mirror it is discovered that they are ill fitting or the wrong color. Utilizing this law is the key to changing your experience and your life.

Your beliefs are the context for your experience. All of your beliefs combined create a story. You are walking fiction. These beliefs in some people go completely unchallenged and unexamined. An unchallenged story passes into myth and so the Myth becomes your law. If this story that you’ve created is not your preference then you must change your personal myth. You must change the construct of your personal universe. If in your personal myth you are all ways the supporting character and never the lead then you must find out when and where you adopted that myth as truth and then change it as you would if you were writing a short story. Once you realize you have a choice in how you identify yourself you will no longer be locked into playing a role that you do not feel is true for you.

You cannot change the past but you can shape the present moment you can always change your

Changing how you identify yourself spiritually, emotionally, physically can be a frightening experience, because the unfamiliar sensation of being someone else is well.. unfamiliar. We as a species have certain judgment when it comes to change. Uncharted territory is uncertain and mysterious. We have made the idea of predictability dangerously attractive while we demonize the unknown. Repetition is the opposite of growth and for all intensive purposes impossible because although in our mind we are doing the same thing over and over in actuality everything is changing every second of every day. If we examine a caterpillars journey, from our perspective it is obvious what will happen and what it will become but from the perspective of the caterpillar it is a life, a death, and a rebirth in one experience. They go in to the chrysalis a lethargic, stumpy and sleepy being and emerge a spindly energetic, flitting acrobat with a completely different body. Going through that kind of transformation consciously could be terrifying if you had no understanding or faith in your own creative power.

The biggest obstacle in changing your personal myth that I have observed is this idea of a static truth. The idea that there is an objective static truth is what makes most beliefs passed into personal law difficult to change. When you believe in static truth then those things you believe also become static and unchangeable. The prevalence of this static truth belief makes this next statement hard for some to accept : From a cosmic perspective everything is true. Meaning from Sources vantage point everything that can happen that will ever happen has happened and so it is all true. So what is the difference between personal truth and cosmic truth? Cosmic truth is comprised of everything, It is like a vacation resort. It is all inclusive. A personal truth is that which is true from your perspective, that’s why fighting over religion is nonsensical. It is not necessary for someone else to lie in order to make your truth true.

Your truth is true.. for you and that’s all it need be true for. You are not here to prove your truth, you are here to experience it, to feel it, to hold it up and say” wow this is my truth.” Since your perception is like a Kaleidoscope tube it is always changing aligning and realigning it is always changing it is always in flux.

Your perception is always in flux because your perception is the product of your belief and your belief is a product of your choice of concentration. So since your beliefs are constantly changing your perception is constantly changing and that is why your personal truths are constantly changing and will keep changing for as long as you exist. When you realize that your beliefs, your perception of the world around you and that you yourself is not a fixed thing but an ever shifting ever, changing point of consciousness it will be easier to transform your personal myth to whatever it is you wish it to be.

There is only one Cosmic truth, everything is true. A woman who believes herself unworthy of love can transform into the beloved simply by the act of re identification. I can say from my perspective that as someone who’s experienced abuse as a child I no longer identify with the experience of the abuse. I am no longer the person who had that experience. Was it necessary to confront the pain and fear of that experience to change it? Yes, that is the Alchemical process of the soul and it can truly change the lead of the heart into Gold.

To watch the accompanying video of this entry click this link:http://youtu.be/fOTBeX-y3ZI

1 comment:

  1. Pilar be turning my heart into Gold yall!!
